U is unhappy. He gets glue on his shoe. He kicks it. The glue goes on his face. Then, P pops in and wonders what happens to him, and they hold hands.
u-p, UP!
Everyone is lifted up by balloons! U is still unhappy. C comes to help.
c-u-p, CUP!
A cup appears, with T inside it. P doubles herself up.
p-u-p, PUP!
A puppy is lifted up as well, but U doesn’t want a pup and a cup and to be up. U wants to come back down. O flies by.
p-o-p, POP!
A flock of birds pop the balloons and the Alphablocks fall down. D, G, M, and S come to help U.
Down, Down, Down, Down, Down~
Words marked with an asterisk (*) are game-exclusive.
DUG – Two shovels dig a hole below the Alphablocks.GUM – A talking pair of gums appears.MUG – A mug appears, with T in it.SUM – A chalkboard appears, writing “7 + 1 =”. M eats the equation before he answers “8”. S mishears it as “ate”, saying that they’ll never know the answer, until M answers again with S and U replying “we know!”MUD (star word) – The Alphablocks land in the mud. U has had the best balloon ride of all and wants to do it again. P pops in.
- DUG* – Two shovels dig a hole below the Alphablocks.
- GUM* – A talking pair of gums appears.
- MUG – A mug appears, with T in it.
- SUM – A chalkboard appears, writing “7 + 1 =”. M eats the equation before he answers “8”. S mishears it as “ate”, saying that they’ll never know the answer, until M answers again with S and U replying “we know!”
- MUD (star word) – The Alphablocks land in the mud. U has had the best balloon ride of all and wants to do it again. P pops in.
u-p, UP!
Everyone is lifted up by balloons again, with T inside a teapot.
DUG(挖) – 两把铲子在字母块下面挖了个洞。 GUM(口香糖) – 一对会说话的口香糖出现了。 MUG(马克杯) – 一个马克杯出现了,T在里面。 SUM(总和) – 一个黑板出现了,上面写着”7 + 1 =”。M吃掉了等式,然后回答”8″。S听错了,以为是”ate”(吃了),说他们永远不会知道答案,直到M再次回答,S和U回应说*”我们知道!”* MUD(泥巴)(星级词) – 字母块们落在泥巴里。U觉得这是他经历过最棒的气球之旅,想再来一次。P突然出现。**
- DUG*(挖) – 两把铲子在字母块下面挖了个洞。
- GUM*(口香糖) – 一对会说话的口香糖出现了。
- MUG(马克杯) – 一个马克杯出现了,T在里面。
- SUM(总和) – 一个黑板出现了,上面写着”7 + 1 =”。M吃掉了等式,然后回答”8″。S听错了,以为是”ate”(吃了),说他们永远不会知道答案,直到M再次回答,S和U回应说*”我们知道!”*
- MUD(泥巴)(星级词) – 字母块们落在泥巴里。U觉得这是他经历过最棒的气球之旅,想再来一次。P突然出现。